Pervious / Permeable / Porous Pavements

Pervious / Permeable / Porous pavements allow stormwater to easily move underground by utilizing gaps within the surface. Infiltration reduces the amount of stormwater runoff caused by impervious surfaces that cannot soak up water, such as parking lots, driveways and roads.

Impervious surfaces allow stormwater to quickly move across the landscape, capture surface pollutants and bring them to nearby bodies of water at levels that harm water quality. Pervious pavements soak up water before it has a chance to move. As a bonus, the gaps in pervious pavements allow snow to melt faster, reducing the amount of water-polluting winter salt needed to keep walkways safe and freshwater fresh.

There are a variety of Pervious / Permeable / Porous Pavement Systems to choose from to suit your needs and style. Examples include pervious concrete, pavers and blocks, and asphalt. Consider including one in your next home or landscaping renovation to reduce stormwater pollution from your property!

Pay a Stormwater Fee? Check Your Municipalities Website to See if a Rebate Program is Offered in Your Area!

Typical Maintenance Activities Include:

  • Cleaning pavement surface

  • Repairing improperly functioning underdrains

  • Addressing clogs that prevent infiltration - Contractors can be hired to vacuum cracks or the pavers can be removed, and the infill replaced before putting the pavers back.

  • Repairing deformations and cracks - Occurs over time due to the freeze-thaw cycle. Much like traditional concrete, water remaining in pres over winter can crack the concrete.


Pervious Pavers

Pervious asphalt


Pervious pavers can resemble cobble-stone roads or stone garden paths. While the pavers may be impervious, the spaces between each allow for water to filter into the ground. Pavers are set on layers of gravel and cracks are filled with small gravel or stone. Some styles allow grass or other vegetation to grow in between pavers.

Pervious pavements can look a lot like traditional concrete or asphalt until you see them in action! When rain falls, instead of running off, it soaks right through!